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Women's Circle
2024 Calendar

All Sessions 7pm

(unless otherwise advertised)


January Thursday 11th


February Saturday 10th   


March Saturday 9th


April Tuesday 9th


May Wednesday 8th    


June Thursday 6th


July Saturday 6th


August Saturday 3rd


September Tuesday 3rd


October Thursday 3rd


November Friday 1st & Saturday 30th 


December There is no New Moon in December


May you always feel safe to share all of who you are.

Exchange is by donation, suggested $10 - $20

To register your interest & to find out more.

It is time for global change if we are to create sustainable communities that don’t pose a survival threat to the human race.

The reclamation of traditional feminine wisdom and customs is an intrinsic part of this paradigm shift.
Mother Earth is a reflection of how we have collectively denied and disowned the natural cycles and strengths of the feminine.

Women weaving together their strengths by gathering and attuning themselves to the natural cycles is essential to re-balancing our way of life on this planet and is both simple and personally rewarding.

‘When Sleeping Women Wake, Mountains Move’

Ancient Chinese proverb.

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